Assembly Member Brian Wilson has called on the Housing Executive to remove the plinths from the community garden in Kilcooley.
Mr. Wilson said: “These plinths to the paramilitary organisations were not agreed by the Neighbourhood Renewable Partnership and should be removed from the community garden. The organisations they represent do not have the support of the local community and have been rejected by the residents of Kilcooley in many elections. As a councillor for the Kilcooley area for more than 20 years I have often been approached by residents expressing concern that these organisations have tried to impose their will on the people of the estate. These residents want to move on and not continually be drawn back to the darkest times of the troubles.”
The North Down MLA continued: “It is wrong that public money should be used to support these plinths and that they should be placed in a community garden recognising the sacrifices made by the Ulster division at the Somme and which has the support of the whole community. The fact that this garden is a pilot scheme and the organisers hope to roll it out into other areas reinforces the need to remove these plinths.”