Brian Wilson condemns North Down Council’s refusal to include funding in the 2013/14 estimates for a new Clandeboye play park on the Clandeboye Road.
I was shocked that the DUP Councillors who control the council voted against my proposal to include funding in the estimates for a new Clandeboye Play Park. It is particularly hypocritical when following an excellent presentation by Clandeboye Village Association which represents 6,000 residents the same councillors lined up to have their photos taken and pledge support for the Clandeboye Village Association.
This is evidence of clear discrimination against the children of Clandeboye as over the past 8 years 18 play areas have been provided in various areas of the borough including Redburn, Rathgill, Green Road and Bloomfield over the past year.
I cannot understand why Clandeboye children should be discriminated against. Surely it cannot be on economic grounds as the cost to the average householder for a play park similar to those at Green Road and Rathgill would be around 25p per year.
Well said Brian – I used to live on the houses backing onto what was the football pitch and park and,although it was past it’s sell by date back then it was still used by the children.
There also was were small playparks between Elmwood and Beechwood,as well as along the back of what was the abatoir.
Why is it now not necessary to provide play facilities now when there are more dwellings and therefore more families?